1 Meter
1.3 Meters

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The Wedding at Cana
1 x 1.3 meters
Oil on Canvas
Completed in 2017
The Wedding at Cana tells the story of the first miracle Jesus performed when he began his mission to form a new covenant with us. I wanted to allude to the garden, where God’s first covenant with man was formed, so I included a garden behind the figures. The wine servant represents all of humanity, that Jesus desires to form a new covenant with. In the work we also see The Virgin Mary’s role as intercessor for one of the first times. Jesus’ gentle hand on her shoulder shows their unity, where we might expect division. The painting illustrates the moment right after Mary has spoken to one of the wine servants. We can see the servant still stooped down from listening to her. Jesus stands and is about to tell the waiter to fill the six large jars with water. The moment portrayed is right before the action, and the anticipation we feel is like our souls waiting for Christ’s salvation. The apostle on Jesus’ left looks up at Jesus with a surprised expression. This miracle caused the apostles present to believe in Jesus’ power. There is a platter in front of Mary which holds a lemon- a sign of Mary’s purity, a pear- a symbol of the fruit of her womb, and a split pomegranate- a symbol of Christ’s passion. The platter in front of Jesus contains bread and grapes which symbolize the Eucharistic meal that perpetuates Christ’s covenant with the Church through time.